Tonight you are cordially invited to a comedic feat like no other. BUSINESS COMPUTER will boldly present to you, ONE HUNDRED sketches in the humble span of less than 90 minutes. Skeptical? Excited? Scared? All of these emotions are correct. All of these emotions will help guide you through BUSINESS COMPUTER'S NIGHT OF 100 SKETCHES.
Business Computer is a Brooklyn-based sketch comedy troupe interested in the elasticity of what sketch is, determined to break your comedy bones and reset them in a way that will assault your expectations and behavior towards sketch comedy. Through the use of both stage and video sketches, Business Computer offers a mash up of comedic proportions combining elements from “Tim and Eric”, “Human Giant” and “Kids in the Hall”, gingerly placing them all in a comedy blender with the weirdest of British humor like “Big Train” and “Jam”, and then setting it all to explode. With lasers.
BUSINESS COMPUTER is comprised of Evan Brandon, Brian Fiddyment, Christopher Garner, Daniel Kurland, Edy Modica, Madeline Manning, Dan Ramos.