Tuesday December 5th, 2023 at 7:00pm
"Dream on the Farm: ""The More Things Change""
by Farm Arts Collective
The More Things Change is a devised eco-performance work from Farm Arts Collective. Conceived and directed by artistic director and farmer, Tannis Kowalchuk, it is play #4 in a decade long climate change-themed series entitled Dream on the Farm (the ensemble is making 10 plays in 10 years). The More Things Change, a promenade performance, premiered August 2023 on Willow Wisp Organic Farm. It tells the story of a multi-generational farm family offered a huge sum of money to sell their farm to developers of “bio-diversity” theme parks. The offer pitches the family into a dramatic crisis and a riveting family drama unfolds as they decide what to do in the face of climate change and their own personal dreams—to sell or not to sell?
Sherry's Bop
by Bompart Productions
Sherry’s Bop is a comedy about humanity’s toxic relationship with our planet Earth. Through a series of arguments, eventually God intervenes as a couple’s counselor between Edward (humanity) and Earth. A serious couple’s session is had, leading to a shocking conclusion.
by JCWK Dance Lab
Regeneration is a contemporary dance by JCWK Dance Lab that explores the relationships between humans and Mother Earth. Regeneration draws inspiration from agricultural soil regeneration research originating in JCWK Dance Lab’s hometown of Berks County, PA. The Rodale Institute’s research has demonstrated a direct relationship between soil regeneration and climate change. Regeneration is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) experiment with an all-female, multigenerational cast and original music. It continues JCWK Dance Lab’s mission of creating Joy, Connection and Wellness through Kinesthetic stories by Connecting the Wellness of our environments to the Joy and Wellness of humans through dance (our Kinesthetic stories).
Over Heat
by Loxton & Co.
Somewhere, in the near distant future, the planet has gotten hot... and is only getting hotter.
Eruption / Regenesis
by mignolo dance
Eruption / Regenesis, set to original music by Daniel Gall, explores the myriad ways diverse individuals react to disaster. The piece tracks the trajectory of an erupting volcano, and the choreography is informed by the dancers' own tendencies and coping mechanisms in the face of challenging circumstances.
*Please note that this performance will be presented at the Tank's in-person performance space at 312 W 36th St. All attendees and artists will be required to have a covid vaccination before being admitted to the space. Patrons will also be required to wear masks, when not eating or drinking.