Caroline Knight, For Your Consideration, 2019, 12 minutes There comes a point in life where you can no longer run from who you’ve always known, deep to your core, you’re meant to be. Now is that time. For Your Consideration is a physiological experience where cathartic releases are achieved through subjective and intense acting and filmmaking on Hi8 tape.
Dakotah Malisoff, Soft Hard Touch, 2019, 3 minutes 16mm color hand-processed film / An ode to my love / A genderless body painted with positive and negative hand-proceeded film. An exploration of an image-in-movement means only that its realization supersedes (or coincides with) my evocation of it.
Emily Greenberg, Kernel Account, 2019, 8 minutes The central or most important part of something. A bellowed hum, or something left unnoticed.
Sophie Schoenfeld, So Long Together, 2019, 5 minutes Two grandparents living independent lives engage with family pictures.
Sabrina Kissack, a note held for a full minute, 2019, 6 minutes A stringing together of haunted encounters. Not to be confused with haunting encounters—quite literally haunted in that you’ll die seven days after watching them.