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The Cure, by Alex Dremann and Tracy Jones, by Stephen Kaplan

Bechdel Tank december 2019-1 - Clare Solly.jpeg


The Cure, by Alex Dremann
When her twenty-four year old son wills himself to death to donate all his organs, Joan goes on a quest to understand why. Along the way, she meets five of the organ recipients who all seem to remind her of different parts of her son’s personality, but it’s not until she meets her son’s heart that she finally learns the truth.
Tracy Jones, by Stephen Kaplan
Tracy Jones has rented out the back "party room" of Jones Street Bar and Grill: the Place forWings and Things, a typical chain restaurant. Tracy Jones is throwing a party to which she's invited every woman in the world who is also named Tracy Jones. Tracy Jones has been sitting for over an hour alone, nursing her Diet Coke, waiting for any other Tracy Joneses to show up. Tracy Jones' epic loneliness is about to be tested beyond anything she ever

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