Refusal to perform military service was rare during WW II, when 16 million Americans fought as soldiers. Those who did not fight “the good war” – 6,000 of whom went to prison and 12,000 who were conscientious objectors serving in Civilian Public Service (CPS) camps supported by the historic peace churches (Quaker and Mennonite) - were typically viewed derisively. Men in the CPS performed unpaid work in firefighting, agriculture, forestry medical care, and mental health reform in jobs left empty by recruits. A few hundred conscientious objectors voluntarily subjected themselves to risky medical experiments designed to advance effective treatment for the war effort. War Stories tells the story of one such man in the context of World War II politics.
A talkback by War Stories playwright Marthe Rachel Gold and scientist Greg Neumann, both of whom are children of World War II conscientious objectors, will follow the May 26th performance. We hope you will share this information with interested individuals. For further information contact: