SHOT 4 SHOT REMAKE is a drinking game with a movie problem. In this reading we just cast whoever we think would be best for the role. Drinking rules are launched and fun times are had. This week's selection? THE ROOM.
Drink Ref... Rachel Clayton
Stage Directions... Katie Lazarus
Tommy/Johnny... Alyson Cripps
Lisa... Andy Fitch
Mark... Leah Evans
Denny... Jerry Burgos
Claudette... Erik J. Lundstrom
Michelle... Eddy Cara
Chris R/Susan.... Jaime Fallon
Mike/Patron 3... Sonia Nam
Steven/Male Barista... Raina Trider (debut!)
Peter/Patron 1/Patron 5... Pedro Lee
Florist/Patron 2/Patron 4.... Michael Williams