about the show:
Fighting Laughter Warrior is a COMEDY GAME SHOW. Four Parts Whose Line Is It Anyway? 1 Part Iron Chef, 1 Part Most Extreme Elimination Challenge and 3 Parts Magical.
Audience Contestants join trained Actors to compete head to head in ORIGINAL short form Improv Games for real CASH and PRIZES. And also there is a NINJA.
about the artists:
Fighting Laughter Warrior FB: https://www.facebook.com/fightinglaughterwarrior
Joe Kramer https://twitter.com/thejoekramer
Megan Sass http://www.megan-sass.com/ https://twitter.com/Megan_Sass http://heebmagazine.com/thoughts-upon-finding-myself-on-a-big-nose-fetish-site/40550
Ken Jepsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDFH2kPkgWM&feature=share&list=PL677A004B79F398D8)
Randy Reiman http://www.feelinrandy.com/
Camille Theobald www.camilletheobald.com http://youtu.be/q282VSjamQc
John Heath Clarke https://www.facebook.com/Johnkheath
Carolyne Gallo http://www.carolynegallo.com/
Roberto Sanchez https://www.facebook.com/roberto.pinedasanchez?fref=ts
Barbara Ann Michaels https://twitter.com/JesterOfPeace
Nihara Nichelle www.niharanichelle.com