The first 3 social distance editions of Rule of 7x7 took place in March, April & May, featuring filled-to-capacity Zoom rooms, brand new 10-minute plays presented in brand new ultra-creative ways, plus laughter and togetherness to boot. And now... 7x7 is a NEW YORK TIMES pick for quality virtual content!'s time for another unique, condensed round of New York's favorite short play festival! The best part? Artists + audience alike can stay in their PJ's for showtime!
It's the show critics have called "ingenious," "brilliant," "an electrifying comedic experience," & "best bet: theater party!" It's... Rule of 7x7: Social Distance Edition #4 7 writers. 7 rules. 7 short plays. Every other week while in quarantine. Unlimited booze.* *Provided by yourselves.
Interested in joining the audience, or as an artist? E-mail for more info.