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TrashFest 2020
July 25

A celebration of eco-art and community building


For years, The Tank has hosted DarkFest - a week of shows that does not use conventional theatrical lighting in an effort to reexamine how we can make theater more sustainable. This year, we are challenging that idea even further with TrashFest. It is often difficult to wrestle with the environmental impact our daily lives and our work can have - especially in theater, where so many resources can be put into sets, props, and costumes that are only used for a short amount of time. That is why Trashfest will center work that not only produces no waste, but reuses materials discarded as garbage. The festival will take the form of live-streamed performances, art installations, and community events throughout NYC.



Scared Image In Everything | Sequoah Glaster

Hanging art with plastic water bottles for indoor semi-hydroponic plants / mandala art pieces. The canvas will be made out of trader joe bags, cardboard and other flashy packaging.

Photos of the hanging art to be displayed on this webpage starting at MIDNIGHT on July 25th.

Bag Lover | Shaley Howard

Reusable fruit bags made from recycled materials.

Photos of the bags to be displayed on this webpage starting at MIDNIGHT on July 25th.

CanIbeART | Gerardo Sustaeta

A textile fabric using only found aluminum cans that will act as a functional privacy screen.

Photos of the aluminum can art to be displayed on this webpage starting at MIDNIGHT on July 25th.

Childhood Blankets, Adult Clothes | Melon Wong

A micro upcycled fashion collection using old blankets from my family home dated from the 80s to 90s. The collection will explore racial and national intersectionality (Asian American culture) and the culture of domestic repair skills.

Photos of the fashion collection to be displayed on this webpage starting at MIDNIGHT on July 25th.

The Handmade Theater | Mariko Iwasa

A short story told using trash for costume, sets and puppetry.

Tune in at 12pm on July 25th for this piece.

Abundance | Sarah Neides

Abundance is an installation piece composed of discarded fruits, vegetables, and floral waste in acceptable condition arranged to become an Eden of excess, beauty from waste. Related dance performances will occur within the installation featuring costumes created from found compostable/recycled materials.

Tune in at 4pm on July 25th for this piece.

Lanka in the Clouds | Kanishk Pandey

"Lanka in the Clouds" is a show that plays puppetry and storytelling. Much of the storytelling is inspired by the Panchatantra, with stories adapted to fit an environmental/immigrant storyline. The puppets will be made from trash.

Tune in at 5pm on July 25th for this piece.

House of Trash | Sam Kaseta

A curated cabaret featuring drag and burlesque performers with acts made entirely out of trash.

Tune in at 8pm on July 25th for this piece.

Earlier Event: July 23
Domestic Joys
Later Event: July 25
Rule of 7x7: Summer Edition